駐瑞士代表處公告 日期:中華民國109年10月1日
- The legalization processing normally takes 3 working days from the receipt of the application forms and fees. The documents of some unusual cases could be forwarded back to the capital to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC (Taiwan). The process could take up to six months.
- Visa application fee is non-refundable.
- Legalization fee is non-refundable, when the cause of the non-execution is attributable to the applicant.
- We accept payments in cash or through bank transaction. If application fees are paid through bank transfer, payments should be paid in advance and the receipt of the payments should be enclosed with the application documents. Any additional bank surcharge should be paid by applicants. When application fees are paid at a post office counter, additional handling fees will be charged to the recipient and therefore, the additional amount as here below should be transferred with the application fees.
Account Name: Délégation de Taiwan République de Chine
Account Number: 263243-41-3
IBAN: CH68 0483 5026 3243 4100 3
Bank: CREDIT SUISSE (Schweiz) AG
Clearing Number: 4835
CREDIT SUISSE Postkonto: 80-500-4
Handling Fees charged while making payment (QR bill) at a post office counter郵局臨櫃QR帳單匯款手續費 | |
CHF1 – CHF50 | CHF 1.20 |
CHF51- CHF100 | CHF 1.60 |
CHF101-CHF1000 | CHF 2.35 |
- 一般案件於受理後第3個工作日核發或駁回,最長不得逾2個月。如需陳報外交部核示,或轉請文件做成機關、公證人、學校等查證者,最長不得逾6個月。
- 簽證申請案件一經受理,不予退還規費。
- 文件證明申請案件一經受理,如因可歸責於申請人之事由致無法執行時,不予退還規費。
- 領務規費自(103)年9月15日起可透過銀行匯款繳納請於交件時一併附上付款證明,匯款衍生之手續費一律由申請人自行負擔。若透過郵局臨櫃匯款,手續費將自受款帳戶扣款,故請於郵局臨櫃匯款時將上述郵局臨櫃匯款手續費併同規費匯至本處帳戶。
駐瑞士代表處領事規費收費數額表 | ||||||
美金兌瑞郎匯率:1美元=0.95613瑞郎 | 公告日期:111年7月28日 | |||||
規 費 類 別 | 當地幣 | 備 註 | ||||
1.文件證明 | CHF | 速件處理費:各項收費數額另加50% | ||||
文書驗證、出具證明 | 14 | |||||
加發影本 | 7 | |||||
2.電報費 | CHF | 電報以一頁為限,倘超過一頁或附有附件,則每頁依表列數額加收費用。 | ||||
單程(每頁) | ||||||
由本處發電 | 2.5 | |||||
由領務局發電 | 1.5 | |||||
來回(每頁) | 4 | |||||
3.影印費 | CHF | 需經本處同意,以10頁為限。 | ||||
黑白每頁(A4) | 1 | |||||
彩色每頁(A4) | 3 | |||||
4. 入境證及臺灣地區定居證副本 | 29 |