Taiwan’s Government offers great job opportunities to working holiday makers!
To help develop the youth travel market, the Taiwanese government is organizing a number of attractive schemes to assist the first wave of job-seeking travelers to hit the island, and make working holidays in Taiwan safe and easy. Working holiday makers from Australia and New Zealand now can apply for great job opportunities in Taiwan arranged by the government at reputable tourist facilities. Best of all, job placement services and post-arrival orientation are offered at no cost to working holiday makers. Any-one who is interested in this special offer should act now as it is only available for arrivals before 30 September 2005. Working holiday makers from Australia and New Zealand currently residing in Taiwan are also eligible to apply for this amazing opportunity.
The Taiwanese government agency coordinating this program is the National Youth Commission. A service center for young Australians and New Zealanders on working holidays will be established in August, when a full range of services will be provided. For more information on work opportunities and this special offer, check the Commission’s website today at http://english.nyc.gov.tw/workingholiday/wht.htm
Or contact the service center for assistance: Work And Travel Taiwan Service Center TEL: +886-2-23640228 FAX: +886-2-23629755 Email: rma@councilexchanges.org.tw Last Update: July 18, 2005