Effective February 11, 2020, all travelers who have transited through China, Hong Kong or Macau en route to Taiwan will be quarantined for a 14 day period.
There are three 14-day response measures, which are applied based on the severity of the situation: home isolation, home quarantine, and self-health management.
Home isolation applies to anyone who has been in contact with a confirmed case of the corona virus. Apart from remaining at home, anyone under home isolation will receive two health checks a day from medical authorities. They will also be monitored electronically through their mobile device.
Home quarantine applies to anyone who has transferred flights in, or transited through, China, Hong Kong or Macau. Individuals under home quarantine must remain at home. They will receive daily health checks and will also be electronically monitored.
Anyone who breaks home isolation or home quarantine may face penalties (e.g. compulsory medical isolation) under the Communicable Disease Control Act.
Finally, individuals suspected of carrying the coronavirus but who have tested negative, as well as individuals who have satisfied conditions to be released from home isolation or home quarantine, must engage in self-health management for 14 days.
Self-health management requires individuals to take their temperature twice a day, minimize their time in public, and wear a surgical mask. If they develop corona virus symptoms, they must contact medical authorities immediately.