2025 Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship
The Huayu Enrichment Scholarship aims to encourage international students (not including students from mainland China, Hong Kong, or Macao) to study Chinese (Huayu) in Taiwan.
The scholarship is managed in accordance with the Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) International Student Directions (please refer to Appendix 1 below).
Scholarship Value
The scholarship is in the form of a monthly stipend of NT$28,000 (approx. CAD$1,200). The stipend is intended to cover tuition, books, rent, and other living expenses.
There are two types of scholarships: regular and summer terms.
- Regular terms are awarded for periods of three, six, nine, or twelve consecutive months between September 1, 2025 and August 31, 2026.
- Summer terms are available for two-month in summer, which run from June-July or July-August, 2025.
Applicants must choose to apply for either the summer term or the regular term. In other words, anyone wishing to receive funding for more than two months should apply for the regular term. Applicants may apply for a 3-month, 6-month, 9-month or 12-month scholarship corresponding to the duration of their planned course of study in Taiwan.
Some Mandarin Language Centers in Taiwan offer intensive two months summer courses. Students who wish to undertake these courses during summer 2025 can apply for summer terms. Summer courses should be minimum of 6 weeks.
Scholarship recipients who fail to arrive in Taiwan and register in person at their Mandarin Learning Center (MLC) by the specified deadline will forfeit their scholarship. Scholarship status will become effective on the date of the recipient’s enrollment and will discontinue following the student’s final month of study or if the scholarship is revoked.
In order to be eligible for the scholarship, an applicant must:
- Be a Canadian citizen;
- Be eighteen years of age or older;
- Hold an outstanding academic record; and
- Demonstrate good moral character.
An applicant may NOT apply if they:
- Are an overseas compatriot student or a National of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
- Are currently registered as a student at a Mandarin Language Centre or have studied for a degree at any university/college in Taiwan.
- Have received the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship or Taiwan Scholarship in the past.
- Will be an exchange student in Taiwan during the scholarship period.
- Are currently receiving financial assistance from the Taiwan government or any educational institution in Taiwan.
- Have Alien Permanent Resident Certificate from the O.C. (Taiwan).
The Education Division of TECO in Canada accepts applications from Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. For the rest of Canada, please apply to the Education Division of TECO in Vancouver.
You must submit the following documents to the Education Division of TECO in Canada by March 31, 2025. Please send hard copies to 45 O’Connor Street, Suite 1960, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 1A4. Please ensure the envelope is postmarked as proof of submission date. Please note that no documents submitted as part of the application package will be returned to you.
- A completed Huayu Enrichment Scholarship Application Form (see Appendix 2)
- A photocopy of your Canadian passport or another document proving your Canadian citizenship
- Photocopies of your highest academic degree/certificate and your complete academic transcripts
- A photocopy of a document proving you have already applied to a Mandarin Language Centre (e.g. application form, remittance form showing your payment of the application fee, e-mail or written notification from the MLC/school acknowledging receipt of the application). To search for recognized Mandarin Language Centers in Taiwan, please visit https://lmit.edu.tw/lc/.
- Signed copy of the Terms of Agreement (see Appendix 3)
- Two letters of recommendation. These letters should be written by professors, instructors, or supervisors in schools or work place. They should be signed, dated, and include full contact information of the references. Please specify in your application that the letters will be included in the application package or sent directly by the reference. A scanned file e-mailed directly from your references can be accepted.
Selection Process
After reviewing all applications and evaluating applicants based on their past achievements, motivation, and potential for success, the Education Division of TECO in Canada will select scholarship winners and waitlisted candidates. Summer term applicants will be notified before the end of April, 2025. Regular term applicants will be notified before the end of May, 2025.
Successful candidates must submit their photocopy of admission letter from their MLC before deadline to finalize the scholarship selection process. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
- Regular term applicants must submit before June 30th,2025
- Summer term applicants must submit before April 30th,2025
* The Education Division of TECO in Canada reserves the right to determine the scholarship durations.
**Applicants who currently reside in Canada will receive priority consideration.
- The information provided above has been adapted from Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES) International Student Directions (Appendix 1). Should any discrepancy exist between the information on this website and the official HES International Student Directions, the Chinese version of the HES International Student Directions shall prevail. (Please refer to Appendix 4 for the Chinese version of the HES International Student Directions.)
Contact Information
Education Division
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada
45 O’Connor Street, Suite 1960
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 1A4
Tel: (613) 231-9018
Email: canada@mail.moe.gov.tw
Appendix 2: Application Form for Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship
Appendix 3: Terms of Agreement for Ministry of Education Huayu Enrichment Scholarship (HES)