外籍人士持中華民國居留簽證入境注意事項: Directions for the Entry of ROC Resident Visa Holders
一、 外籍人士持居留簽證並經移民署查驗許可入國後30日內應至居住地移民署縣(市)服務站申辦外僑居留證。各服務站地址及電話如下表。
Foreign holders of an ROC resident visa, who have passed inspection and been allowed to enter the country by the National Immigration Agency (NIA), shall apply to the local NIA county/city service center for an Alien Resident Certificate within 30 days following their entry. The addresses and telephone numbers of all NIA service centers around the country are provided in the following list.
二、 有關外籍人士簽證、居留、工作、教育、稅務及健保等相關服務資訊,請參閱「外國人在台生活諮詢服務網」。
Foreign nationals, who need information concerning visas, residency, employment, education, tax payment, and health insurance, please refer to the NIA Information for Foreigners Website:Information for Foreigners in Taiwan.