國立臺灣文學館、文化部駐英國代表處文化組、英國文學翻譯中心BCTL(British Centre for Literary Translation)合作辦理的「Literature from Taiwan臺灣文學翻譯線上工作坊」將於2022年7月18-22日舉辦。歡迎對文學翻譯、臺灣文學外譯有興趣的英文譯者報名參加!臺灣本地譯者的申請期間為2月7日起至4月19日,臺文館預計於5月底前於官網(https://www.nmtl.gov.tw/)公布獲選名單。
Are there any keen translators of Chinese out there? British Centre for Literary Translation's 2022 Summer School will see a Taiwanese/Chinese Workshop for the first time, with ten attendees (five Taiwanese and five international translators) receiving full bursary support to take part. The UK and international applications via the British Centre for Literary Translation are now open, with deadline being 19th April. Those interested in the English translation of Taiwanese literature are welcome to apply and help bring the charm of Taiwan’s literary scene to a global audience.