An anonymous Taiwanese businessman sponsors lunch meals
駐緬甸代表處3月7日首先協助一名匿名善心臺商捐助一筆款項予瑞伯度免費午餐團體(Shwe Bo Thu Gratis Street Food)於當日中午在 Dagon Seik Kan Township發放免費午餐1500份給當地經濟弱勢的居民,感受到極為溫馨的回應,居民口中頻念佛號,迴向祝福善心臺商。駐緬甸代表處衷心感謝這位臺商發揮愛心,以實際行動回饋緬甸社會,形成一個善的循環。李大使呼籲旅居緬甸的臺商與僑界友人,以各自認為合宜的方式,協助緬甸全境弱勢社區居民、孤兒院、學校等。
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Myanmar has sponsored several free lunch services in Yangon City in the past two months, and has subsequently received requests from benevolent donors to jointly assist those less privileged residents to overcome hardships in many townships. The TECO in Myanmar has since received K5,000,000 so far to be donated to the competent charities for distribution in due course.
The first anonymous donation by a Taiwanese businessman for free lunch service was conducted by the TECO in Myanmar on March 7, 2022 in Dagon Seik Kan Township, in which 1,500 residents were served with nutritious hot meals. Appreciative blessings were sincerely expressed by the residents to the anonymous Taiwanese donor.
Ambassador Charles Li of the TECO in Myanmar wishes to thank the donor for helping the needy residents in Yangon at this difficult time of pandemics to expand the cycle of goodness. Ambassador Li further calls on the Taiwanese businessmen and local business leaders to carry on rendering a helping hand in whatever way possible to the under-privileged communities, orphanages, schools, etc.