駐緬甸代表處李朝成大使3月11日下午代表國立屏東科技大學頒發於本年1月及2月間與緬甸SML國際教育機構合作舉辦的「蘆筍栽培」與「洋菇栽培」線上課程全程參與的69位學員學習時數證書。另為表彰SML國際教育機構合作創辦人Soe Min Latt先生贊助及促成這項與國立屏東科技大學合作的線上教學課程之貢獻,駐緬甸代表處特頒給獎狀乙紙,以示激勵。
On behalf of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Charles Li, Ambassador of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Myanmar today issued certificates of attendance to 69 trainees who had full participation in the training programs of asparagus and mushroom. The said online programs were held by the university and the SML International Education Services in Myanmar for the period from this January to February, 2021.
Moreover, Soe Min Latt, the founder of SML International Education Services, was awarded a citation by TECO for his sponsorship and contributions to the aforementioned programs.