Boy Receives Bone Marrow Transplant
.Hostipal Name:China Medical University Hospital
The day when the nursing department in China Medical University Hospital (CMUH) got a message that a little boy from Sudan was coming for bone marrow transplantation. Sudan, it is nor a tourist attraction or an ancient capital. It is an unfamiliar country to all of the medical staffs in CMUH.
Enour, a cute little boy, came from Sudan in North Africa. Enour was diagnosed a rare disease called “ Fanconi Anemia” when he was two. Unfortunately, Enour is not the only child in the family with this disease. One of his brothers passed away due to the same reason, and his other brother Omar, fell ill when the family came to Taiwan on August 13,` 2006. Omar’s condition was even worse than Enour’s. After CMUH’s diagnosis, t hey both needed the same blood tissue from their 2 brothers who were staying in Sudan. CMUH decided to treat Omar first with stem cell transplantation, but that had increased the medical fee from 3 million NT dollars to 6 million.
“Money” is one of the biggest problems that the Enour’s family had to face until they met Mrs. Tsai. Mrs. Tsai’s husband is a Sudanese who was working for trade business between Taiwan and Sudan. She heard Enour’s situation in 2003 when she visited her family in Sudan. She went through all of the medical centers in Taiwan in order to help Enour, and finally got the respond from China Medical University Hospital ( CMUH ) . Mrs. Tsai appealed compatriots to help this family with love. CMUH created a foundation account, so that people could help Alnour’s 2 brothers coming to Taiwan, and receiving medical treatment. Due to Visa and budget issues, Enour and his parents came back to Sudan. Omar was taken care by his uncle Ego and CMUH.
Luckly Omar’s stem cell transplantation surgery was successfully completed in January 2007. CMUH prepared a party to celebrate Omar‘s birthday on July 1, 2007. His uncle held him with tears to thank all of the Taiwanese and physicians. Omar pinpointed the balloon to symbolize that he has successfully defeated the illness. Until now, he is still recovering in CMUH, and hopefully he can go back home soon.
CMUH is still fundraising for Omar and Alnour, as well as continuously offering medical assistance. The mission is completed by insistence from the oversea. The story obviously express there is no gap between nations. The lot brought people together to make the dream come true.