In order to encourage Taiwan's primary and secondary schools to expand global exchanges with foreign schools, the Taiwan Ministry of Education creates an information and matching platform, International Exchange Window (IEW), to bridge domestic schools and international partners. Through the innovative IEW, US schools will be able to search for international exchange opportunities with counterparts in Taiwan to conduct online cultural exchanges and teaching cooperation, aiming to jointly cultivate the international vision and bilingual ability of students in primary and secondary schools.
In line with the implementation of Taiwan’s “Bilingual Nation 2030 Policy” and the launch of the "Taiwan-U.S. Education Initiative" on December 3, 2020, the K-12 Administration of the Ministry of Education encourages K-12 schools to seek collaboration with counterparts in the U.S. and has selected 76 middle and elementary schools for this project plan. The strategy is to start with ICT-based cultural exchange programs, then advance to cooperative teaching or online courses. We hope to build mutual understanding between the younger generation and motivate their interest in learning languages and cultures; also, to empower the future global citizens to gain the vision and ability to understand international issues.
English-Mandarin Dual Language Immersion Programs at Elementary and Middle schools in Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Hawaii and Guam, with interest to explore language and cultural cooperation, please contact the Education Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles at We will assist your school via the IEW platform to match partner schools in Taiwan.
#Taiwan-U.S. Education Initiative
#international education
#dual immersion programs