雙方須本人親來申請,倘國人無法前來,須提出經我國地方法院認證之委託書委由菲籍配偶代辦適婚能力證明. (Personal appearance of both parties concerned is required. If the Taiwanese national is unavailable to appear, the other party may apply the legal capacity on his/her behalf by submitting his/her power of attorney notarized by Taiwan District Court.)
- 文件證明申請表。 Duly accomplished Application Form.
- 護照正影本乙份。 Passport (Original & a photocopy of all pages used).
- 經台灣地方法院公證及外交部領事事務局驗證之最近三個月中文及英文戶籍謄本(含詳細紀事)。 Household Certificate with "details/notes" (Chinese and English version and Original issued within last 3 months) duly notarized by Taiwan District Court and authenticated by the Bureau of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- 工作證明及在臺勞保紀錄乙份。The employment certificate and the labor insurance record in Taiwan.
- 若國人於菲律賓出生,需繳交菲律賓國家統局核發之出生證明及單身證明,經菲國外交部驗證並影印一份。If the Taiwanese Nationals were born in the Philippines, attach Birth Certificate and Certificate of no records of marriage (CENOMAR) secured from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), and authenticated/apostillized by the Department of Foreign Affairs (Original & a photocopy of all pages).
- 所有護照正影本乙份。Present and Previous Passports (Original & a photocopy of all pages used).
- 菲律賓國家統局核發之出生證明及單身證明,經菲國外交部驗證並影印一份。Birth Certificate and Certificate of no records of marriage (CENOMAR) secured from the Philippine Statistics Authority, and authenticated by the Department of Foreign Affairs (Original & a photocopy of all pages).
*NOTE: 出生證明須經菲律賓外交部驗證,年逾21歲始作登記之遲登出生證明,須完成法院身分判定,並提供足資採信之身分證明文件。Birth Certificate secured from the Philippine Statistics Authority, and duly authenticated by the Department of Foreign Affairs (Original & a photocopy of all pages). Birth certificate registered after 21 years old must seek an affirmative court decision on the assumption of identity and submit enough identity for reconsideration.
*NOTE: 如未滿25歲結婚者向菲地方政府申請結婚許可時須繳父母同意書。Marriage under 25 years old must submit the Affidavit of Parental Consent when applying for marriage permit in local government of the Philippines (Original & a photocopy of all pages).
- 最近三個月指定醫院之健康檢查(指定醫院請參閱表格下載)。Medical Certificate issued within the last 3 months from Accredited Hospitals and duly authenticated by the Department of Foreign Affairs (Original & a photocopy of all pages). (Accredited hospitals refer to Forms Download)
- 如在菲律賓有前婚姻紀錄須提供結婚紀錄證明、婚姻註銷證明或前配偶之死亡證明,若曾有子女應提供子女之出生證明。If one of the parties has previous marriage in the Philippines, attach Advisory on Marriages, Marriage Certificate with remarks of annulment, Death Certificate (if spouse is dead) and Birth Certificate of children secured from the Philippine Statistics Authority, and duly authenticated/apostillized by the Department of Foreign Affairs (Original & a photocopy of all pages).
- 男女雙方或一方倘屬無業或長期失業者,應提供財力證明, 無法提供者則請由供養其生活者出具證明。If either or both of the parties are unemployed or long-term been unemployed, they should provide proof of financial resources, and those who cannot provide should be certified by the person whoever supports them.
*NOTE : 為維護所有申請人權益,自即日起,申請人於持本處核發之「適婚證明」確認完成菲國結婚及登記程序,結婚當事人之一方請於上班日上午至9號櫃檯,經本處檢視確認備齊面談應備文件後,依抽取號碼牌順序申請預約後續面談時間。Applicants who have applied for “Legal Capacity” and completed the marriage registration in the Philippines can, either or both of the parties, have all the required documents checked with Counter 9 in order to reserve an interview schedule. Please come before noon to get a queue number and wait to be called.
- 基本資料表及雙方問卷調查表各乙份。Duly accomplished Personal Data Sheet (one copy for each party.) and Wedding Parties Questionnaire (one copy).
- 交往證明,雙方如經人介紹或透過網路交友認識需提供持續交往證明。Evidence of Communication, e.g. letters, pictures, telephone bills or any other verifiable evidence. Those who are matched through personal introduction or through internet shall present hard copy of direct communication and substantial correspondence. E.g. letter, email etc (Original & a photocopy of all pages). Reminder: Republic Act No. 6955 declares unlawful the act of "Matching Filipino Women for Marriage to Foreign Nationals" on a mail-order basis or through personal introduction and other similar practices.
- 無業或收入不足者須提供財力證明。If one of the parties is unemployed or has low income, attach financial documents or duly notarized affidavit of support executed by supporter.
- 照片。 Recent photo of both parties (2 pictures each) 2X2 with white background.
- 其他本處認定個案疑慮必須具備之相關文件。Other documents deemed necessary by TECO.
四、面談及申請結婚證書驗證 Interview and the Process of Marriage Contract Authentication:
On the day of the interview, the following documents should be prepared to apply for marriage certificate verification and payment:
(1) Authentication Application Form.
(2) Original Passport of Taiwanese national including all photocopy of the entry and exit stamps.
(3) All old and new passport/s of the Filipino national including all photocopy of the entry and exit stamps.
(4) The marriage certificate issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) must be authenticated/apostillized by the Department of Foreign Affairs. (If a Chinese translation is already provided, please attach two copies) (Original and photocopy of all pages must be submitted).
For the convenience of the applicant, the Office provides a reference to the translation format of the PSA marriage certificate only. If applicable, please translate it yourself, but please confirm whether the content of the Chinese translation matches the original.
*** Based on the regulations, employees at all levels of the department are not allowed to provide translation services to the applicant. If the applicant is too late to complete the Chinese translation, he can apply for the translation authentication after returning to Taiwan and the original documents to the notary office of the domestic court or a private notary only after our Office that already authenticated the English version.
(5) The NBI Clearance of the Filipino national must also be authenticated by our Office for overseas usage or when a respective office in Taiwan deems it necessary (such as the National Immigration Agency). This must be within one year validity. Original and photocopy of all pages must be submitted.
(6) Please refer to webpage indicating the Declaration Form of the Chinese name of the foreign spouse.
* Please note: The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office only accepts Marriage Contract, Birth Certificate, Advisory on Marriages, CENOMAR / CEMAR, Death Certificate, and Marriage Contract with Null and Void Marriage from the Philippine Statistics Authority and authenticated/apostillized by the Department of Foreign Affairs.
* Please note: After the interview, the Office still has the right to ask the applicant to make up the relevant documents. After the documents are submitted for compliance and be processed for verification. At that time, the document verification operation time will begin from the date the applicant documents are submitted.
* Please note: Please check the details in the certificate, such as name, date of birth, date of marriage, etc. in any case of any mistake/s, please immediately make necessary corrections onto the original issuing unit; otherwise, the Office will not be able to record false/untrue documents.
* Please note: If (1) the Filipino female spouse is pregnant, or (2) the Taiwanese national has children with the Filipino spouse, and plan to let the children register onto their Household Registration in the Household Registration Office in Taiwan, please verify first with the corresponding Household Office if the PSA CENOMAR/CEMAR of the Filipino national and/or the PSA birth certificate of the child is necessary. If so, these documents must first be authenticated/apostillized by the Department of Foreign Affairs. If the applicant does not take the initiative to apply and pay fees to the Office, the Office will not take the initiative to request verification of these documents.
五、面談後及申請赴台簽證 After Interview and Visa Application
- Through the interviewer
(a) After the interview, it will be confirmed that both parties have the ability to communicate directly and fully to achieve the marriage agreement without family difficulties.
(b) Bring the original authenticated documents to the Household Registration Office in Taiwan to apply for Marriage Registration and request for another original Household Certificate in Chinese version wherein it should already contain the name and full details of the Filipino spouse, the date of marriage of both parties, and the date of marriage registration.
(c) Visa Application as a Relative
I. For foreign spouses of ROC nationals with household registration in Taiwan, please refer to the following links for the necessary documents:
II. For the minor children of ROC nationals with household registration in Taiwan, please refer to the following links for necessary documents:
- Those who failed the interview can apply for refund of the authentication fee subject to approval of request by the Office, but the visa fee is non-refundable.
六、應注意事項 Important Matter :
長期旅居菲律賓之我國籍人士已與當地人結婚,其外籍配偶擬以探依親名義申請赴臺簽證,比照前述有關結婚證書驗證及面談程序辦理。A person of ROC nationality who has lived in the Philippines for a long time and has married a local spouse. His foreign spouse should intend to apply for a visa to visit Taiwan for the reason of visiting relatives, which is handled in accordance with the aforementioned marriage certificate verification and interview procedures.