Taiwanese Compatriots in Singapore Give Hearty Sendoff to Representative and Mrs. Ta-Tung J. Chang
Following the successful completion of his one-year tenure in Singapore, Representative Ta-Tung J. Chang departed for home on 26 July 2016 with Mrs. Chang. The advisers and commissioners from the Overseas Community Affairs Committee, office bearers from the Taipei Business Association in Singapore, United Chinese Library Alumni of Taiwan Universities & Colleges, Singapore Taiwanese Hakka Association and Formosa Club, and officials from the Taipei Representative Office in Singapore gave Representative and Mrs. Chang a hearty sendoff at Changi Airport.
In his address to those assembled at the airport, Representative Chang expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Taiwanese community in Singapore, whose warmth and wonderful hospitality had made his tenure in beautiful Singapore even more memorable. Wherever he may be in the world, Representative Chang promised that he would always remember the love and support he received from all Taiwanese compatriots in Singapore.