2021 Taiwan Fashion Design Award Inviting New Talents to the Stage of Taipei Fashion Week
Taiwan Fashion Design Award (TFDA), a major annual event in Asia’s fashion industry, is now open for registration to worldwide new generation fashion designers. In the 35 years of history, TFDA has drawn over 14,000 participants and 90,000 works into the contest of top fashion design, including contestants coming from the art and fashion academy of USA, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, China, Hong Kong, Macau, etc.
TFDA has been served the purpose of discovering new talents in fashion design over the past 34 years. Through the promotion of this contest and the cooperation between industry and design academia, the foundation of the textile and fashion industry has been enforced, and therefore, TFDA has the mission to lead designers to make the further refinement of the industry through the newly discovered design ideas and perspectives. For more information please visit HERE.