The European Parliament adopted the report on the recommendation on EU-Taiwan political relations and cooperation on 20 October with 580:26:66!
The adoption of the historic report is of great significance to the EU-Taiwan relations, for this is the first-ever EP report on the comprehensive relations between the EU and Taiwan. It not only examines the current cooperation on a wide scope of areas, it also set forward-looking goals for the EU and Taiwan to pursue.
Let’s look at some key recommendations: closely with Member States to intensify EU-Taiwan political relations and to pursue a comprehensive and enhanced partnership; encourage the increased economic, scientific, cultural, political exchanges, including at the most senior level!
2.urgently begin an impact assessment, public consultation and scoping exerice for an EU-Taiwan Bilateral Investment Agreement!
3. strongly advocate Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the WHO, ICAO, Interpol and UNFCCC!
4. change the name of European Economic and Trade Office in Taiwan to European Union Office in Taiwan!
5.welcome the plan to set up a “Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithuania” and condemn China’s economic sanctions on Lithuania;
6.Commend Taiwan as an outstanding partner for the EU in promoting human rights, and freedom of religion in the Indo-Pacific region;
7.deepen cooperation with Taiwan in confronting disinformation and consider learning from Taiwan’s experience in fighting disinformation from the China;
8. promote youth exchange and tourism through working holiday, Erasmus Program or EU-Taiwan Connectivity Scholarship;
9. strengthen cooperation with Taiwan to exchange best practices in handling the COVID-19 pandemic and commend Taiwan’s success in containing the pandemic;
10. Encourage dialogue and cooperation between the EU and Taiwan on all industry sectors and supply-chains, especially on semiconductor technologies;
11.Express grave concern over China’s military intimidation against Taiwan; insist that any change to the cross-strait relations must not be made unilaterally or against the will of Taiwanese citizens;
We’d like to thank the European Parliament for supporting the deepening of EU-Taiwan cooperation. Our special thanks go to the rapporteurs of this report, MEP Charlie Weimers, MEP Michael Gahler (Chair of the EP-Taiwan Friendship Group), MEP Sven Mikser, MEP Katalin Cseh, MEP Reinhard BÜTIKOFER, MEP Anna Bonfrisco and MEP Emmanuel Maurel.