On Tuesday, 8 March [International Women’s Day], Ambassador Peter Sha-Li Lan, Hon. Camillo Gonsalves, Minister of Finance, Hon. Orando Brewster, Minister of National Mobilisation and Gender Affairs, Hon. Keisal Peters, Minister of State presented awards and cheques of XCD$26,000 to each winner at the Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The winners are Jessica Jaja form Bequia Threadworks, Sophia Searles of Searles Agro Products, and Kenna Questelles of Kinexxio.
Ambassador Lan explained that the Women’s Empowerment Project - SVG is a mega project in response to the impact of COVID-19 and volcanic eruption of La Soufrière, which comprised several components, such as vocational skills training, business counseling and the program of International Initiative. The winners were among the participants of the “Entrepreneurial Elite Award” project in the second half of 2021. There would be two more rounds of the same training courses to be executed during the first and second half of this year.
Ambassador Lan therefore encouraged Vincentian women from every walk of life to participate in all the projects under the Women’s Empowerment Project.
Minister Gonsalves congratulated the winners of “Entrepreneurial Elite Award” on their achievements in excelling in the keen competition. He said the small and medium enterprises were greatly impacted by the pandemic and the volcanic eruption, hence the award would enable the winners to facilitate their business plans and could serve as models for other women to develop the spirit of entrepreneurship.
Hon. Minister Brewster said in his remarks that after intensive training and rigorous procedure, the winners had proved that they had the capabilities of realizing their remarkable business plans. Both Ministers thanked the Republic of China (Taiwan) as the genuine partner in the development of St Vincent and the Grenadines, and urged all Vincentian women to grasp the opportunity to join in the project.
Hon. Minister Peters conveyed greetings in a pre-recorded video on the day recognized as International Women’s Day. She also noted that the last two years have been difficult for the women of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. In light of the foregoing, the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines take the initiative to present the Women’s Empowerment Project. She urged Vincentian women, including civil society organizations to take advantage of this grand opportunity.
The Women’s Empowerment Project – SVG is co-sponsored by the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and is being implemented by the Taiwan Technical Mission, Centre for Enterprise Development (CED) and Department of Adult and Continuing Education (DACE).